pageant celebrity garments for girls
pageant celebrity garments for girls

Tommorrow is Winter formal. My daughter has been sick so she hadnt got a dress yet. Monday night even though she was ill I took her dress shoppping. Mind you she is not a dress kind of girl. She finds a dress she loves and shoes. But of course the dress and shoes are not in her size! No where in Wisconsin are any her size. Uggh so I pay expedite shipping for 2-3 day shipping. Thinking it should be here by Thursday. Yesterday I get a email saying it would be delivered Friday. Couple hours later I got a email saying it was delayed and delivered on Monday!!! Hours of calling the customer service and ups... my daughter decided she just wouldnt go pageant celebrity garments for girls ? and last night I checked and it was still in Ky. Guess what? It just showed u ? ? ? ? ?