formal occasion garment in white color
formal occasion garment in white color

Dressed all in white I ring The Angel’s doorbell to have a moment alone with her and to sign her copy of the book. I’m a bit caught off guard when her friend Ordelia opens the door in place of The Angel who is just standing in her living room staring at me strangely. For some reason the way she looking at me makes me feel as though I’m glowing. The three of us stand in her living room in silence for a few moments before I finally break the silence asking “The Book?” “Oh!” The Angel says as she seems to come back to her senses and she quickly leaves and goes into her bedroom to retrieve the book. Ordelia and I just sort of look around in awkward silence as I now have very little to say having been caught off guard by her presence.

The Angel returns to her living room with the book but instead of handing it to me she just stands there holding it and staring at me strangely. After a moment Ordelia and I look at each other before she turns to the Angel and says “Your acting crazy! Give me that book!” She says snatching the book from The Angels hands. “Come here Josiah sign the book.” Ordelia demands as she hands it to me. I take the book and place it on the kitchen island turning to the front cover in purple ink I write:
Dear Angel, Emerson once wrote: “A deep man (Or Woman) believes that the evil eye can wither, the hearts blessing can heal and that love can overcome all odds.”
Your friend,

Closing the book I hand it back to The Angel who stands in silence still staring at me strangely. I wish her a safe journey and take my leave of her and Ordelia as she silently watches The Angel from the corner of her wandering eye.

I’d given The Angel the book “Great Expectations” as I’d had given it to others including Kara and Dvora years earlier as a test. With The Angels simple appreciation of the gift I’d believed it meant she was mirroring me and she understood what the others could not. Finally It also meant The Angel was the first person to ever pass the test.

After signing the book I realized though I’d felt the darkness overtaking me several times in my life even to the point of bringing me to the brink of insanity and death I had always managed to resist It and force It back into the recesses of my mind and soul. But this time something was different something happened to me in the instant I first met The Angel. Something dark that I’d allowed in and had even requested overtook me. It seemed this time I gave myself over to the darkness on purpose this time for a purpose. I’d plotted, I’d planned, I’d manipulated, I’d used the diabolical nature which comprised a part of my persona to get what I wanted. I’d used my honesty in a dishonest way. To get The Angel to see exactly who and what I was and to choose to love me anyway. After I’d signed the book I’d realized my evil plan was working. formal occasion garment in white color