diamond wedding dresses
diamond wedding dresses

The weddings was a gloriously powerful. Although because of the caliber of people that graced the occasion the weddings was strictly by invitation. Since Pastor David’s mother was a Federal minister. Many elites from the government attended the occasion including the vice president of the country. And also from Chief Obafemi’s guests were top business mogul in Africa who also graced the occasion so security was on top notch. Members of the church were limited, they only choose two persons from each department. All the Pastors and church staff were also present. The whole church can’t even contain the big hall they used. Readily present are Prof Mrs Crystal Obafemi’s best friends. Mr. Zite and his family, Mr. Onochie and his family, Engn. Feso and his family, Engr. Dume and his family, Mr. Jay and his family. Ademide’s close relations all got an invite as well. The same with that of Pastor David. The wedding was extended to the next day which was Sunday in order to let all church members partake. They had a mini reception after the service. Everyone was served food and drinks and souvenirs were shared they made provisions for thousands and it went round, everyone went home with something. The couples travelled out of the country on Sunday night for their honeymoon in Paris. Both parents accompanied them to the airport with their siblings. Diamond, Pastor David’s sister returned to the US that very day too. Ademide’s Parents couldn’t control their tears when Ademide started crying at the airport when they were about to leave the departure. With teary eyes Deacon Adetula pleaded with Pastor David to take care of her daughter. Despite the fact that he was a Pastor he didn’t forget to warn him that he didn’t joke with her daughter. Pastor David promised all over again that he will try his best and he won’t ever regret giving him his daughter to wife. The couple settled down in their hotel in Paris but the night was not the night anyone expected. The marriage was not yet consummated. Reason been that Ademide menstrual flow started the afternoon of their wedding. It was only a miracle that she didn’t get stained at the reception. She first told her husband when she noticed, he calmed her down and then signaled to Adeola who came and led her out with the chief bride’s maid who was their cousin. The reception hall has a room where couples could relax before they call them into the hall, so they had to make use of the room. It was Adeola who provided her with sanitary pad and everything needed.
Ademide asked her what made her prepare so well and Adeola told her she knew her menses will likely come since Ademide's flow do come whenever she’s stressed out. Ademide hugged her and thank her for always having her back. In less than 15 minutes they returned back into the hall. When they got to Paris that night, Ademide pleaded with her husband since her flow stopped them from having sex. “I didn’t marry you because I want to satisfy my sexual urge. I married you because I want to spend the rest of my life with you” He said and Ademide couldn’t help but thank God for giving her such a wonderful husband. This is not about being a Pastor but he is a man of dignity and most of all he is disciplined. She hugged him and kissed him. Through out her days of menstruating Pastor David was the one bathing and dressing her. And the day the flow stopped, Pastor David couldn’t get enough of her wife. They were both virgins and so they helped each other all through the process. It was a night the couples wouldn’t forget in a long time. ***** Two weeks later, they were back in the country. They should have spent a month but Pastor David has to go back to church to do his Father’s business. He has missed the Pulpit.. Ademide couldn’t work as the documentation officer again. She had a bigger responsibility. Her office was changed and all her work description were clearly stated to her. She knew she couldn’t do it alone without God’s help but she believed God’s grace will be sufficient for her. The couples now live on their own, they live in the church. Pastor David built himself a duplex in the church compound. He figured it’s better than coming from outside the church. With his arrangement, the church and it’s activity can now have his full attention and that of his wife. The house was about 10minutes driving distance to the auditorium and 5minutes distance from the church office. Immediately they came back they paid a visit first to the Obafemis and then to the Adetulas. When they got to the Adetulas, their parents were happy to see them. Adeola had already called Ademide that she and her husband are on their way too. Adeola and Adedayo stepped in and greeted the couple. She ran into her parents room to greet them. Their parents were happy to see all their children. Adeola and Ademide went into the kitchen to get something for everyone to eat then she noticed her sister wasn’t so happy as she was just feigning smiles and all that. “Adeola, fine you are glowing and looking like a new bride but I can feel it, something is odd, your happiness is not from within. And don’t you dare tell me there’s nothing. I want the truth, what’s up with you?” “Ok, I’ll tell you, let’s serve the others and talk in the room” “Is he treating you bad. Is he…. “Come of it Ademide, as if you don’t know your brother” “Ok, let’s rush up then” Then quickly serve the food, left their husbands in the sitting room with their parents and went into the room to have their discussion. “Adeola spill it, what’s going on?” “We’ve been having issues!” “I beg your pardon. Having issues with D1!” “It’s not that kind of issues. It’s about our sex life!” “I knew it, I knew this will happen what do you expect when you marry your brother. You two will always see yourself as siblings, you won’t be free to have sex with each other!” “That’s not it Ademide. We were both willing to have sex and the intimacy is there, it’s just that I don’t get aroused!” “Do you two know that there’s a word called foreplay. Do I need to school you on that!” “Trust me D1 has tried everything, foreplay, name it. It’s not working. Ademide I don’t enjoy sex!” “Jesus Christ!” She stood up. “ I only lie in the bed like a log of wood for him to just satisfy himself even if I don’t derive any satisfaction but the worst of it all is that I feel pain when we are making love” “This one weak me o….”She said and dropped herself on the bed” “He barely touches me now, because he couldn’t bear seeing me in pain” “But I married a virgin too I didn’t experience all this. Although the first time and the subsequent ones on the first week of our marriage was a bit painful but now I enjoy sex” “What do I do now?” “I think you need a sex therapist or gynecologist” “That was what I suggested too but D1 said it’s my mindset that I’ll soon get over it” “We have to be clinically sure that that’s what all this means” “Can you get P-Dave to talk to him. So we could seek help” “No…. I can’t” Ademide shaked her head slowly. “He may not like it. Just try to convince him. I know we are all siblings but there’s a limit now, we are married we can’t just intrude in each other’s privacy. I hope you understand” “Yes, I do. I just hope we can fix all this quickly or how long can a man hold up in a boring sex marriage” “He is your brother, I know your fears he can’t do that. Just scrap whatever thought you’re having right now. Don’t worry I trust him, he’ll find a way around it. Hun!” “If you say so. Thanks so much I feel relieved now” “Anything for my one and only sister and sister in-law” She teased. “So gist me nau…. since I have a boring sex life and from all indications you are having a wonderful sex life in your marriage. So….. “Huh! Just hang it there sis. I have no gist for you sorry to disappoint you” “Aww….and we’ve promised each other not to keep things from each other” “That was before our brother turned out to be your husband and our Pastor turned out to be my hubby. So don’t expect me to give you details on our how your Pastor is doing in bed” Ademide said and they both laugh out loud. “You are right, you know what, I don’t want to hear about it” “Me neither, so keep yours to yourself too” “That is if I eventually have a good sex life!” She shrugged. “Stop! Be positive. Things will get better, I promise. You should be carrying my niece and nephew by now you know” Ademide pointed out. “I know. Reasons why I have to step up my game” “Relax, God will do it” “Amen. And you too, very soon” “Amen. Just keep me posted and if he didn’t make any move then the Pastor must hear this” Ademide said jokingly. They both hugged each other and returned to the sitting room to meet the others. Trust their parents and husbands they teased them and asked what took them so long in the room but they stylishly avoid their questions by laughing it off. Everyone already knew the two sisters would have missed each other. Adedayo and his wife got back home. They were already filled at their parents place so they just went to bed. Adeola tried to seduce him and it worked. But it was sex as usual, boring. And Adeola herself didn’t enjoy it. They lay back to sleep and Adeola told her that they need to seek help. That it’s not normal the way things were but he said they should still give it time. He just cuddled her and they chatted. “What we’re you two discussing?” Adedayo asked. “Me and who? “You know who I’m talking about!” “I told her everything my love” “You know she’s my sister” “I know but I needed to talk to someone and you know she’s the only one I can talk to” “So what did she say?” “Same thing I suggested” “Ok. We’ll go seek for clinical help then” he said and Adeola was so happy and thanked him for considering the option they have” They chatted some more before sleeping. Ademide and her husband showered and went to bed. They didn’t bother preparing dinner since they already ate at their parents place. Ademide was in her husband’s arms ready to sleep. “What were you two discussing for over twenty minutes in that room” Pastor David asked his wife who curled up in his arms. “Its personal” “Ok!” He said and shrugged. “Fine, they are having issues!” “Sex!” “P-Dave how do you know that?” “That’s the only issue they can have. They are practically siblings, your brother can’t hurt her, the only issue I think they can have is sex issues.” “Adeola want you to talk to him but I told him you can’t interfere unless D1 talk to you himself” “You are right. Hope you two didn’t talk about us” He asked suspiciously. diamond wedding dresses
course I told her how good you are in bed, how you take me to the seventh heavens and….. “Baby! Seriously!” “I’m just joking, chill” She laughed at him. “But seriously I’m I lying?” She asked and wink at him. “You can be naughty at times you know” “I’m not naughty P-Dave I’m only saying the truth you always make me feel like a woman. And I kind of love it” She said moving closer to him seductively. “And you won’t get anything from me tonight” He said pushing her aside playfully. “And you won’t dare deny me your body which is mine!” She moved back to him and kissed him passionately while PDave turned off the light as he surrendered to his wife. Two weeks later. Ademide went to see her husband in his office and was surprised to meet his brother Adedayo. She greeted them and was about to take her sit when her brother continued the conversation he was having with his brother in law before her sister came in. Ademide sensed what the topic was all about and was about to take to her heels but Pastor David who also knew she was obviously running away stopped her. “P-Dave I can’t sit here and be listening to my brother’s sex life nau…… “Just sit. We are all in this together!” “P-Dave please don’t let me sit. Oh…. God why did I come in at this time, what a bad timing” She frowned. “Adeola was circumcised when she was a child, Ademide” Adedayo spilled. “What. It’s not possible. She can never be a victim of female genital mutilation” “Yes she is” He replied her. “It can’t be. Who did this to her?” “Her biology parents off course!” Her husband replied her. “Oh my God. Reason why she never enjoyed sex!” “We just confirmed it today. That’s why I’m here” “Where is she now?” Ademide asked. “She has gone back to her work place”
“She would have been distabilized, you should have taken her home!” Ademide said to her brother. “I said so too but D1 said your sister insisted on going to work to ease the mood” Pastor David replied in D1's stead. “What do we do now?” She asked “I think we should inform Mum and Dad. They have the right to know what’s going with Adeola” Pastor David suggested. “I agree it’s just that we’ll get them worried” Dayo said. “What other choice do we have” Ademide shrugged. “Ehm….we kind of have a good news too” D1 said. “Really, let’s hear it” Pastor David said. “She’s three months pregnant and we didn’t even suspect because she still had her period last week!” “Wow! Congratulations” Pastor David stood up and gave him a hug. “Ademide, won’t you congratulate him!” Her husband queried. “PDave we are five weeks pregnant too. That’s the news I came to share!” Pastor David couldn’t believe his ears, he was so happy that he carried her off her feet and hugged her. When he finally put her down D1 too hugged her sister while they congratulated each other. The three agreed to meet Mummy and Daddy Adetula the next day after the close of work, to tell what’s on ground. Adedayo was about to leave then Pastor David’s intercom buzzed. He picked the call. “Hello” “Pastor, Deaconess Oriabor is here to see you sir and she said it’s urgent. I even told her you have company but she was just pleading and pleading with me” Bunmi informed. “Ok, allow her in” He said. Deaconess Oriabor and her daughter, Jane had stop coming to church after the incident that happened some months back before the wedding. Pastor David tried all his best to talk them into coming back despite the fact that they wronged him and never apologized or even see anything wrong in what they did to him and Ademide. He decided to let them be both daughter and mother. Deaconess Oriabor entered the office and right from the door, she started crawling into the office crying and shouting Pastor David’s name at the same time.
“Stand up ma and tell me what the problem is” Pastor David said. Even his wife and brother in law tried to pick her up from the floor where she was wailing but she didn’t stand up. Adedayo decided to excuse them since he was already on his way out before. But Deaconess Oriabor pleaded with him to stay and helped her beg Pastor David and his wife. So he stayed back. Deaconess Oriabor explained all that her daughter was passing through she had been transferred from one hospital to the other. She was diagnosed and the doctor kept on saying she is medically okay that they couldn’t lay hold on any sickness or disease inflicting her. And yet she was in pain, she couldn’t eat or drink anything. Even if she tries to, she vomiits whatever she ate. She even told them that if they see her once beautiful daughter, they won’t recognize her anymore and she had grown thin like someone with a terminal disease. “Pastor David, I don’t need any soothsayer to tell me the source of my problems. I and my daughter are paying for our sins. We have wronged you and your wife all because my daughter wanted to marry you and no one else so we did everything we do then out of spite. Please forgive us” She said rolling on the floor and wailing. “Before I say anything ma, please take a sit” Pastor David said to her and because she needed to hear what he has to say, she hurriedly took a sit. Ademide also gave her a bottled water from the fridge for her to drink and relax. “You did not offend me or my wife, you offended God that’s the truth because the Bible says touch not my anointed and do my prophet no harm” “Please what will I do, I know it’s God at work fighting for you and your wife” Pastor David close his eyes and enquired from God in his spirit. “Deaconess” He called out and she answered. “Go to God in prayer, you and your daughter and asked for God’s forgiveness and mercy. Afterwards, God said you should go back to the church council that you summoned the other time with your false accusations and go confessed to them and also everyone who knew about that scandal. Tell them how you and your daughter conspired to tarnish my image and that of my wife.. He said if you can do that, your daughter will be made whole. This is not my instructions it’s God’s and you are free to accept or refuse” Pastor David said. “I am ready to do anything, infact I can tell the whole world. All I want is for my daughter to be healed, I can’t afford to loose her” She said. Some minutes later she left better than the way she came. When she left, Adedayo was like 'Is this how God works' No wonder the Bible warned us not to touch his anointed. That night when Pastor David and his wife got back home. They were on the floor, they lie down flat, thanking God. First for the precious gift he gave to their home, the fruit of the womb. They also thanked him for fighting for them. They also thanked him for blessing the Adedayo’s too with the fruit of the womb and for all his goodness in their lives, ministry and family generally. That night the two couples were so happy, everyone celebrating the good news in their own way in their houses.